Sunday, 1 January 2012


  dodge ram logo

Dodge is a great American manufacturer of automobiles. They have created many convenient as well as top of the market cars. The Dodge brothers, John and Horace originated the company in Detroit, Michigan. These brothers were early stockholders and engine builders for Ford Motor Co. before producing their first car in November 1914.
The Dodge brothers were great workers and knew the business. Their first car was noted for its extra styles. It was built with "12 volt electrics and back to front (refer to source 6)" gear changes. These features were industrialized but only used until 1926. Their car was the Dodge 4, a tough automobile accepted by the American army. It was used in General Pershing's battles into Mexico in 1914, while also used in World War I as ambulances or staff cars.
Dodge has been becoming a quite popular motor vehicle. In 1916 it established the Budd all-steel bodywork, which was used quite frequently thereafter. As the brothers searched the market they gained notoriety. The price of their cars were $785 while also being fourth in overall sales in the United States in 1916 with 70,700 cars sold. By 1920 the company moved to second in overall sales. By 1924 the Dodge 4 was still the main product, while 1000 cars were being produced a day. A breakthrough came in 1927 when a 3.7 litre, six cylinder automobile exploded into the industry with "internal-expanding hydraulic brakes.(refer to source 6)"
In July 1928, the company was sold to Walter Chrysler for $175,000,000. The Dodge 4 was discontinued and new front wheel brakes approached the market. After the purchase Dodge still kept their individuality. Their cars became more expensive, but they did offer a standard 6 for $765 in 1929, while other models approached $1000.
Dodge continued to grow over the years under Chrysler's improvements. Their improvements were due to exceptional productions, new styles, innovations, and publicity. With the improvements, prices rose with bigger engines and greater degrees of horsepower. Free wheels, straight 8 cylinder engines, gearboxes, front suspension, and other innovations made the automobile market soar. In 1933 Dodge took fourth place in sales once again with 86,062 cars sold.
In 1952 the highly publicized V-8 was initialized under the name Red Ram. It was a great car, which the public enjoyed, but newer cars continued to produce. By 1959 the most powerful car emerged with 345 horsepower and 6.3 litres. This was a great alternative even though production and innovation continued to increase. The company began to offer coupes in 1966 instead of sedans. The Lancer, a compact car, was introduced in 1961. The company soon produced three basic types in 1961: the semi-compact Dart, the bigger Coronets, and the full-size Polara and Monaco V-8s. These cars became mainstream along with others under the Chrysler Corporation.
Overall numerous developments occurred over the years. Many new cars were produced from 1914 to the present. Some of the biggest products came in the last twenty years with the introduction of the full size pickup truck, Dodge Ram and the minivan, Dodge Caravan. These cars also went mainstream due to their extra styles and dependability on the road. The Dodge brothers formed the company and manufactured quality automobile through cheap prices and upgraded technology. With such innovation and strength the brothers brought the company into a huge and lucrative market.


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